ASC Newsletter Spring Summer 2017

Introducing the ASC Newsletter

After several busy months, and following numerous requests from various people, we have decided to launch the ASC Newsletter. Our first copy was published yesterday, and you can get a copy by subscribing to our mailing list.

The Spring/Summer 2017 edition of our newsletter covers the conferences we have attended, the training we have completed with clients, and the journey we took towards launching our new brand.

It also includes a selection of news from within the Pharmaceutical Logistics Industry, as well as security updates which highlight the importance of Supply Chain Security.

ASC Newsletter Industry Updates

We hope that you will find this latest addition to our brand both useful and insightful, and we look forward to bringing you further updates later in the year. In the meantime, don’t forget you can also follow us on both LinkedIn and Twitter where we share regular updates from within the Logistics Industry.