Tag: Global Corporate Compliance

PCSC Conference, Boston

Just heading back from Boston after a fascinating week at the PCSC (Pharmaceutical Cargo Security Coalition) educational conference.

The PCSC is an organisation based in the US which comprises of pharmaceutical professionals, law enforcement and government entities, cargo insurers, carriers and risk management advocates. So basically it covers every aspect of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. Its key goal is preventing theft of pharmaceuticals product whilst in transit.

To be honest, this was one of the best conferences I have ever attended (and I attend a few!). A group of passionate speakers gave their own individual insights into the respective worlds. Presentations ranged from issues within the US domestics Supply Chain to challenges in South America, topped off with Global Corporate Compliance.

But most of all it was so refreshing to see that each presenter was fearless in allowing the audience into their respective challenges. We need to see more of this! Intelligently hosted and facilitated by the PCSC chairman, Chuck Forsaith.

Very much looking forward to next year, and a possible speaking spot!