Tag: Virgin Atlantic Cargo

ASC GDP Training with Virgin Atlantic Cargo March 20th

GDP Training with Virgin Atlantic Cargo

Continuing our support with Virgin Atlantic Cargo on development of their Lifesciences Vertical, we have recently been focusing on providing in-depth training on the GDP Guidelines. So far, 47 staff from several departments have completed our Certificated One Day GDP Course, which provides an extensive introduction to the EU Good Distribution Guidelines.

Virgin & dnata GDP Training with ASC
Some of the Virgin team with staff from dnata – 19th January 2017

We have been thrilled to see the enthusiasm and interest of the Virgin team, which has led to some excellent results in the post-course exam. All passes, with over 80% achieving the highest grade of Distinction, and the rest following closely behind. We hope the entire team is proud of this.

ASC GDP Training with Virgin Atlantic Cargo March 20th
The Virgin Atlantic Cargo Team with Henry Moran and Jamie French – 20th March 2017

Feedback from the course delegates has also been really positive, with every single person agreeing that the course was relevant to their role, and that they learned new skills. This is what ASC are passionate about – helping staff from throughout the entire supply chain understand GDP and how it relates to their individual roles.

ASC GDP Training with Virgin Atlantic Cargo March 31st
The Virgin Atlantic Cargo Team with Amy Shortman – 31st March 2017

We have thoroughly enjoyed working with the Virgin Atlantic Cargo, and look forward to continuing to support this passionate team.